Why are free consultations organized in big cities?

Защо безплатните консултации се организират в големите градове? - фейсбук

Dear patients and friends, and all of you who follow ZIC Medical Karaj on social media. With this post we would like to answer one of the most frequently asked questions about the locations of our free consultations with specialists, namely "Why only in Sofia? Is Sofia the only Bulgaria? Why not come to Ruse, Burgas, Pleven, Haskovo, etc.?".

We have explained more than once on social networks that no matter how much we would like to, we cannot organise the visits of the specialists to the small settlements. We understand the need of all patients in need, but unfortunately we cannot arrange the consultations with the specialists in every town. We organise consultations in the larger regional towns which can be visited by more people in need.

Visiting specialists come at our express invitation and the time available is very limited. These are active practitioners with extremely busy schedules. Nevertheless, they respond to our invitations, stealing from their little free personal time.

This, in turn, often makes the logistics to the capital the most convenient for them. That is why we try to inform our followers on social networks, and not only, as early as possible about the dates on which there will be a visiting specialist so that whoever wants and needs, can organize their travel to the place of consultation.

In conclusion, if you are unable to travel to Sofia or Varna (where our offices are located), we can offer you a remote consultation based on the documentation you have collected. Send us everything you have (test results, epicrises, photos, etc.) about your problem to the following email address info@medikara.bgaccompanied by a description of your condition and a contact phone number (where our consultant can reach you if necessary), and then we will make sure that the documents reach the appropriate specialist you need. In this way you will have your free consultation and get a second professional opinion about your illness and its treatment options.

We would like to point out that remote consultation is a solution of last resort when face-to-face consultation is not possible. The best option is still to book a consultation appointment, so keep an eye on our online posts for upcoming consultations.

If you have any questions or need a consultation, you can contact us at the health center's phone numbers:

  • 0879 009 742 - Sofia
  • 0879 977 401 - Sofia
  • 0879 977 402 - Sofia
  • 0878 500 730 - Varna

or email us:

Remember - We are always on your side!

the team of ZIC Medical Karadži


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Защо безплатните консултации се организират в големите градове? - фейсбук
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