My name is Gergana D., 46 years old, my daughter uses the services of the Health Information Center Medical Karadži and Memorial Hospital Istanbul.
I have received information about Medical Carrage from friends who are also very satisfied.
I am extremely happy with everyone, amazing professionals and people, special thanks to Zvezdelina Kara, my rating is much more than 6 because everything was organized perfectly, from the trip Sofia - Istanbul, the hotel, the hospital, the coordination of the whole team, the amazing specialists who examined my daughter. Everyone did their job perfectly.
I have no recommendations on what to improve in your work because everything was perfect, very high professional level and we continue to work with you and have full confidence in you.
You understand your job perfectly and once again a huge thank you from me and my daughter for your help, human touch and great professionalism.
I recommend you with a clear conscience to everyone. Be healthy.
Gergana D. 46 years old