Thyroid nodule

Възел на щитовидната жлеза

Quite a few years ago (2011) in Bulgaria I was diagnosed with a thyroid nodule on my right - 4 mm. I had it monitored for many years and over the many years the doctors said there was no problem- again to monitor it. In April 2022 I went to have it followed up- it was still fine, but a cyst had appeared on the left. 6 months later I did a consult with another endocrinologist and he said I was in for a biopsy. I had a fine needle biopsy with result- unspecified and his opinion was emergency surgery.

And so through acquaintances I came to the Health Information Center ,,Medical Karaj". I was contacted by a nice girl named Antonia who directed me to Memorial Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. She arranged my check-up, transfers, hotel and I left for Istanbul. There I was examined, I had a consultation with a surgeon - after the examinations it turned out that I didn't have only 1 node on the right, but several, that I didn't have a cyst on the left, but a 6 mm node. I have now had the operation, with my thyroid removed and I feel fine - 23 days post op. I am very happy with the translator Sevjan who accompanied me, with prof. I am also delighted with the anaesthesiologist. They all performed very well!

Victoria Damyanova, 44, Memorial Hospital, Shishli

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