In Bulgaria I waited 2 months for a diagnosis, in Istanbul I was diagnosed in 24 hours

В България чаках 2 месеца за диагноза в Истанбул ми беше поставена за 24 часа

With the help of the Health Information Center "Medical Karadži" I was last in October 2020 at the American hospital, Istanbul. First time I visited this hospital services are very good. I was very worried how we will find the hospital, I don't know language in this big city. My worries were in vain. I would like to thank Zvezdy for all the organization related to my trip and examination in American hospital.

I learned about my diagnosis after I had surgery in Bulgaria. I decided to go to Turkey for a second opinion in Memorial Hospital. I was diagnosed there with Nechochkin's lymphoma. In Bulgaria I waited 2 months for a diagnosis in Istanbul I was diagnosed in 24 hours - scan, diagnosis and protocol with 6 courses of chemotherapy to come. After chemotherapy my treatment continued at the professor's discretion for another 2 years every 3 months with Rutaximab. During this time I had blood tests done, follow up scans. During these 2 years the infusion was done in Liv hospitalas the professor was working with this hospital then. He then quit working as a doctor so I had to look for a new specialist. With the help of Medical Karaj Health Information Center, this was not difficult at all.

Don't give up fight, think positive! Life is wonderful!

Thanks, Stars!

You are a man with a big heart!

И. P. 40


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Лого Медикъл Караджъ
В България чаках 2 месеца за диагноза в Истанбул ми беше поставена за 24 часа
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