Drug addiction

Anyone can face the problem of drug addiction, right?

Any drug addiction is a disease of the psyche and the physique. It afflicts all levels of human nature. Drug addiction does not select a person by age, sex, race, nationality or financial wealth. It can strike any person.

What drugs are most commonly used?

Drug addiction or drug dependence refers to the excessive use or abuse of various psychoactive substances such as:

  • Marijuana - This is one of the most common substances nowadays. It is used especially by young people and adolescents. Marijuana should never be taken frivolously and regarded as one of the 'soft drugs', as it leaves many negative health consequences. Some of the effects of marijuana use are: memory problems, irritability, drowsiness, slow reactions, hallucinations, increased talkativeness, hypertension.
  • Amphetamines - These are powerful stimulants that have a direct effect on the brain, that is, the central nervous system. Although they are used to treat certain medical conditions, amphetamines are addictive in case of excessive use. Consequences of amphetamine abuse are among other things, , acne, blurred vision and restlessness.
  • Methamphetamineи - It is the synthetic amphetamines that stimulate the onset of addiction. Anxiety, mood swings, general restlessness, aggression and the like are just some of the consequences of methamphetamine abuse
  • Heroin - An opium poppy is produced and very quickly creates an addiction. It can be introduced into the body in three ways - by smoking, snorting and intravenously. Like any other drug, heroin produces many health effects. These include: musculoskeletal pain, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhoea, irritability, brain damage and possible epileptic seizures.
  • Cocaine - Besides heroin, cocaine is one of the most dangerous drugs. Some of the effects of cocaine addiction include: paranoia, irritability, decreased appetite, cardiovascular disease.
  • Methadone and supstidol - A type of synthetic narcotics and opioids that have extremely strong analgesic effects. Methadone and Substidol are extremely dangerous psychoactive substances because they cause both physical and mental addiction.

What are the risk factors for developing drug addiction?

  • Biological causes. These reasons are related to each person's unique genetics and physiology. People differ in the degree to which they like or dislike a substance or activity, which in turn can cause addiction. Scientists estimate that genes, along with external factors that influence their expression, are 40 to 60 percent to blame for substance addiction.
  • Psychological reasons. Everybody faces different problems in life and solves them differently. Problems and socially awkward or unpleasant situations in turn evoke different emotions and reactions in a person. The way a person deals with these emotions can determine whether or not they are prone to addiction. E.g. people who are under chronic stress or struggling with depression, anxiety, panic attacks or other mental health problems are more likely to develop addiction.
  • Socio-cultural reasons.  Family and friendship relationships, as well as socioeconomic status, have a major influence on the likelihood of developing substance dependence. For example, peer on peer violence, physical or sexual abuse, disrupted family or marital relationships, workplace pressures and the like increase the likelihood of substance abuse. The abuser believes it will be easier to cope with these problems in this way. Over time, this habit is sure to turn into drug addiction.

What are the symptoms of drug addiction?

The problem "drug addiction" is one of the biggest concerns of modern parents. And there really is a lot to worry about. There are more and more statistics today that show the high percentage of drug addicted youth. The first signs of drug addiction can be the systematic running away from school, lowering self-esteem, red eyes with narrowed or dilated pupils. These signs are easy to spot. To these can be added:

  • Unexplained disappearance of most often expensive items from the home;
  • running away from home;
  • the presence of needles or other objects for injection;
  • rapid weight loss for no reason;
  • behaviour that could be described as reckless;
  • lies;
  • disrespect for parents and other authorities;
  • abrupt change of environment- replacing old friends with new ones;
  • lack of motivation for anything;
  • complete denial and disregard for any family values;
  • displaying a hostile attitude towards relatives and loved ones;
  • loss of interest in hobbies and activities that used to give pleasure;
  • aggressive speech;
  • retreat;

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What is the treatment for drug addiction?

Drug addiction treatment involves several stages:

  • Diagnosis.
    The first stage in the treatment of drug addiction, through which the presence or absence of the disease is confirmed and the overall psycho-physical condition of the patient is assessed.
  • Detox.
    At this stage, the patient receives the necessary solutions through systems or medications needed to accelerate the removal or elimination of the addictive substance from the body.
  • Superfast detoxification.
    Extremely effective and modern method of cleansing the body of psychoactive substances. It is performed while the patient is under anesthesia, which makes him feel no pain, discomfort.
  • Treatment of mental addiction.
    At this stage the patient's desire and need for the drug is eliminated.
  • Psychotherapy
    The task of psychotherapy is to change the patient's behavior as well as his attitudes. Through psychotherapy, the patient's return to a normal and healthy social environment is ensured, i.e. re-socialisation and reintegration.
  • Physiotherapy
    At this stage of treatment, the patient is focused on recognizing and enhancing movement capabilities. The goal of physiotherapy is to restore the patients functional mobility as much as possible.
  • Occupational therapy
    This part of the treatment includes various creative, educational, intellectual and other activities aimed at improving the patient's physical and mental functions.
  • Full support after treatment
    Even after the patient leaves the hospital, treatment continues for the next 12 months.This is done to monitor the patient's progress and maintain the results of treatment. In this very important stage of recovery, the patient is encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What to do when we find out that a child is taking drugs?

If you find out that your child is abusing drugs, the most important thing is to overcome the feeling of shame and seek professional help immediately. Experienced professionals will best advise you on how to react and what measures to take before it is too late. Drug addiction is a disease and the sooner treatment is started, the more successful the end result will be!

Contact the coordinators of ZIC "Medical Karaj" for a free consultation and more information on 0879 009 742.

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