MACS - Minimal Access Cranial Suspension lift

The MACS facelift stands for "Minimal Access Cranial Suspension lift," a facelift that creates only a small scar and involves a vertical lift of the sagging tissue.

The main advantages of MACS-lifting are:

  • Natural results with preservation of your own facial features
  • Safer because the classic side effects of facelifts are avoided
  • Short-lasting and inconspicuous scar
  • Fast recovery
  • Excellent duration of results


In summary, a MACS-lift involves making a small incision along the front of the ear to return the drooping facial tissues to their original position in a vertical direction. The secret to invisible scars is that all the tension is subcutaneous - this makes it possible to correct a sagging neck, chin or cheeks with only a small amount of skin removal. MACS-lifts can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures. Each person desiring this procedure is analyzed individually and no two surgeries are the same.

A MACS facelift can be used in place of a traditional facelift for almost any patient looking for a more permanent anti-aging treatment. It is typically recommended for patients aged 40-50 to combat the early signs of aging, but can be used effectively on older patients as well. It can be combined with other procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid rejuvenation), brow lift, nose reshaping, etc.


Mini facelift

A "mini-facelift" is an innovative anti-aging procedure that uses the latest minimally invasive surgical techniques to remove years of facial age.
Лифтинг на лицето – Фейслифтинг

Facelift - Facelift

A facelift is a type of plastic surgery that is capable of contributing to an overall new facial appearance.
Пластична хирургия 2

Plastic surgery

In today's world, more and more people are resorting to the intervention of plastic surgery to achieve the desired perfection, to erase or remove their external flaws that oppress them and hinder their self-esteem.

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