Prof. Dr. Salih Boa on why is colonoscopy important?

Why is colonoscopy important?

Gastroenterology and internal medicine specialist Prof Dr Salih Boa says colonoscopy plays a vital role in the early diagnosis of colon cancer and other digestive problems.

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure that is used to examine the lining of the colon (colon) and rectum (anus). This examination is done through a colonoscope, which is a flexible tube. A colonoscope is a device that contains a camera and a light source so that the doctor can observe the lining of the bowel in detail.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

During a colonoscopy, the patient is usually under sedation or mild anesthesia, so they do not experience pain or discomfort during the procedure. During the procedure, the doctor examines the lining of the intestinal wall to detect any abnormalities, polyps or lesions. If polyps are found, the doctor may remove them with the colonoscope and have them examined for biopsy.

What is the importance of colonoscopy?

  • Early diagnosis: Colonoscopy helps in early diagnosis of colon cancer and other digestive tract diseases. Early diagnosis can improve chances of treatment and prevent disease progression.
  • Detection and removal of polyps: Polyps found during a colonoscopy are potential dangers that may develop as cancer in the future. Doctors can remove these polyps during a colonoscopy, thus eliminating the risk of cancer.
  • Complaint Research: Colonoscopy is used to identify the causes of digestive complaints such as chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, bleeding or weight loss.

Who needs a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is recommended for colon cancer screening in people aged 50 and older. However, people with a family history of colon cancer are at higher risk due to their genetic predisposition. Colonoscopy at an earlier age is therefore recommended. The aim is to reduce the risk and increase the chance of catching cancer at an early stage.

Colonoscopy is extremely important for those diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease. It is especially important for those with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, to monitor and treat these diseases.

Some medical conditions or diseases may require a bowel examination. For example, intestinal polyps, intestinal obstruction or inflammatory diseases can be evaluated by colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy can also be performed in people with bowel-related complaints such as bleeding, weight loss, abdominal pain. The aim is to determine the cause of these complaints and assess possible health problems.

For these reasons, colonoscopy is an important medical procedure for monitoring colon health, early diagnosis of cancer, and detection of other bowel problems. This test is recommended by the doctor, taking into account risk factors and symptoms, and is tailored to the individual's health condition.

Проф. д-р Салих Боа

Prof. Dr. Salih Boa

Prof. Dr. Salih Boa graduated from the medical faculty of one of the most prestigious universities in Turkey - Hacettepe, Ankara in 2004. He specialized in Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Bashkent University from 2004 to 2010.
Гастроентерология - превю


Gastroenterology is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, investigation and treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs in man.

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