Whole body MRI

Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to diagnose and track diseases in all areas of the body through medical imaging. MRI allows the structure and diseases of soft tissues, bones and organs to be viewed with high contrast resolution. In MRI, images are created using a strong magnetic field and radiofrequency waves. The entire body can be imaged in 50-55 minutes. This is achieved with MRI devices and software programs that can perform the imaging at a fast speed and high resolution. This method plays an important role in the early diagnosis of tumors in many organs, including the brain and neck.

Ядрено-магнитен резонанс на цялото тяло

What is a whole body MRI?

A whole-body MRI consists of magnetic resonance images taken to identify potential problems in the body (such as cancer, inflammation or other abnormalities) before symptoms occur. With whole-body MRI, all areas of the body can be looked at separately. Then combine them with computer programs and examine them as a whole. When an unusual finding is found during the examination, special imaging can be performed for that area and pathology. This scan can be useful for patients who do not have any symptoms, but want an overview of their current health status (versus a diagnostic test). A whole-body MRI examines up to four sections to identify cancers, blockages, and inflammation or obstructive processes. It focuses on the brain, heart, arteries and colon, as well as other surrounding tissues.

Why is a full body MRI done?

MRI of the whole body:

  • It can be performed in patients who want to have a prophylactic check-up to be reassured about their state of health.
  • It can be performed to "check" for patients who have no symptoms, and especially for those who are at risk of developing cancer.
  • It can be given to people who have a family history or genetic risk of cancer.
  • It can provide many advantages for patients diagnosed with cancer in diagnosing the disease, indicating its extent, and assessing therapeutic response in cancer patients.

For proper evaluation of the breast, prostate, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract, whole-body MRI should be used in conjunction with screening and imaging modalities specific to these areas

Whole-body MRI is not used for the diagnosis of:

  • joints such as knees and shoulders
  • chest and prostate
  • hernias of the neck, back and lumbar region

Special imaging is required for these areas for assessment.

If necessary, a whole-body MRI angiography can be performed using a contrast agent to show the vessels. It is recommended that patients in the cardiovascular risk group undergo 'screening' coronary CT angiography.

What are the benefits and risks of whole body MRI?

Non-invasive procedure

Modern MR imaging technology can achieve what only biopsies once could. Whole-body MRI eliminates the need for invasive procedures.

No radiation

While medical imaging techniques such as X-rays or CT scans expose patients to radiation, whole-body MRI does not emit radiation. This is one of the most important advantages of the procedure especially for more vulnerable patients. Because it does not emit radiation, whole body MRI can be used safely on children and pregnant women after the 3rd month if needed.

Early diagnosis

Cancers caught at stage I or II have a much better chance of cure and a longer life expectancy than those detected at stage IV or V. Whole-body MRI picks up tumors less than a centimeter in diameter and can detect cancer in the earliest stages of the disease.

If cancer is in a patient's family history, a preventive whole-body MRI screening test is the most powerful, affordable, medical imaging tool

The most important benefit of whole-body MRI is that it allows early diagnosis of cancer, early treatment and a chance of recovery.

As with routine MRI methods, if you do not have a metal or electronic device in the body that is incompatible with the magnetic field, whole body MRI is a method that will not harm you. You will be asked to read and approve the informed consent form before you are invited for testing.

How is a whole body MRI done?

In whole-body MRI, the brain, neck, lungs, abdominal organs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal gland, bladder and other organs are scanned with special imaging packages. The prostate in men, uterus and ovaries in women can be seen. During the scanning of these areas, bone and muscle structures are partially displayed. The patient will be asked to hold his or her breath during the imaging of moving organs. The patient should not fall asleep to assist the team during the examination. For this reason, the patient should be calm and conscious. Whole body MRI has a special place in the detection of tumor tissue as it scans all body structures with routine imaging packages. Imaging is performed separately for all areas of examination, combined with computer programs, and evaluated in 3-dimensions. Whole-body diffusion MRI is also important in identifying cancerous tissues and lymph nodes.

What is the preparation before a whole body MRI?

The patient who is going to have a whole-body MRI is greeted by an X-ray technician. With his help, he is prepared for the examination. He is given special hospital clothing.

  • It is advisable not to apply make-up to the face and neck before the examination as it distorts the image.
  • It is desirable to completely remove jewelry and other accessories. Watches, credit cards, hearing aids, pins, hairpins, metal zippers, removable teeth, pens, pocket cutters and glasses, body piercings, cell phones, electronic items are not allowed in the exam room.
  • In most cases, there is no danger to patients with metal MRI implants, except for a few types of implants used after 2000. However, some cochlear (ear) implants, types of brain aneurysms, people with some old pacemakers should not be accepted for testing before safety precautions are taken. If there is shrapnel, bullet or other metal in the patient's body, he/she must necessarily give information before the examination.
  • 7-8 hours of fasting are required to evaluate intra-abdominal structures and the gallbladder in whole body MRI studies. During imaging of the moving organs, the patient is given commands to hold the breath. For the person to be able to carry out these commands, he/she must be relaxed and conscious.
  • Contrast material may be used in some MRI examinations. It contains the contrast agent 'gadolinium'. Gadolinium iodine may be used in patients with contrast allergy. Before the MRI study, patients will be questioned about allergies to contrast materials, foods, and medications. Be sure to indicate this information on the consent form and share it with the x-ray technologist.
  • Let the lab technician know if you have any serious illnesses or surgeries. Some conditions, such as advanced kidney disease, may require the use of certain types of contrast that are considered safe for patients with kidney disease. You may need a blood test to determine if your kidneys are functioning normally.
  • If there is a possibility of pregnancy, this should be indicated before the MRI scan. MRI is an investigation that has been used since the 1990s. No adverse effects on pregnant women or their unborn babies have been reported. However, it is not recommended that pregnant women have an MRI during the first trimester. This is only permissible if the benefit of the procedure does not outweigh the potential risk. The test should not be used in pregnant women unless it is necessary to do it with the contrast agent.

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