MRIdian - Viewray


MRIdian Linac is the world's first radiation therapy device with integrated MRI for image-guided radiation therapy. The device can provide real-time imaging before and during treatment.

What is MRIdian?

MRIdian is the world's first MRI-guided radiotherapy system that can provide simultaneous imaging and treatment for cancer patients. It is a radiotherapy device that integrates a linear accelerator and MRI technology in a compact design, along with software to locate, target and track the location and shape of tumors during radiation.

How does the MRIdian procedure work?

The patient is placed in a supine position on a table as in conventional radiotherapy. MRI of the target tissues is performed. Tumor areas and surrounding healthy tissues can be clearly detected and visualized using MRI. The treatment itself begins when the exact dose is calculated according to the target areas and surrounding healthy tissues. The real-time images obtained allow physicians to control the healing process during irradiation. If clinically significant movement of the target or healthy tissues is detected, the physician readjusts the treatment to the new position of the target and critical areas.

What are the differences between MRIdian Linac and conventional linear accelerators?

  • Integrated MRI system allows continuous imaging in real time
  • Precise soft tissue imaging
  • Less irradiation of adjacent healthy tissues
  • Fast and adaptive treatment planning
  • Allows precise irradiation with high doses
  • Fewer healing sessions
  • Avoidance of invasive and expensive markers, tissue expanders

What are the advantages of MRIdian- Viewray?

  • Improves tumor visibility and patient positioning, tracks tumors and reports tumor tissue and organ movements
  • Provides real-time adaptive radiotherapy scheduling
  • Accurately reports the delivered radiation dose.
  • Allows continuous imaging of soft tissue in real time during treatment
  • Allows video recording during treatment and enables tracking of the entire healing process and its progress

Which diseases can be treated with Viewray?

The MRIdian-Viewray can be used to irradiate the breast, paraaortic lymph nodes, lung, kidney, bladder, pelvic lymph nodes, head and neck, gallbladder, stomach, cervix, adrenal gland, eyeball, bones, spleen, gynecological locations, chest, aortic arch, pancreas, heart, prostate, mesentery, soft abdominal tissues, lymph nodes of the neck, rectum, parotid gland, pelvis, spine, esophagus, thyroid, colon, liver, extremities, mediastinal lymph nodes, soft tissues of the pelvis, brain, uterus, buttocks, gallbladder, lymph nodes of the tongue, nasopharynx, ovaries, ribs, thymus.

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