Fractional radio frequency technology "Golden Needle" Scarlet S

Фракционна радиочестотна технология „Златна игла“ Scarlet S

In our time, people work more than usual, get more exhausted, are exposed to more stress and find less and less time for rest. Negative changes due to many causes such as exhaustion, lack of sleep, overtime work, stress, unhealthy diet, food consumption, hormone injection, alcohol, smoking, harmful effects of UV rays, air pollution and several genetic factors affect the structure of the skin, which is the protector of the human body and an important aesthetic element of it.

These changes can take many forms, ranging from wrinkles to loss of elasticity and hydration. Even if all skin-impacting factors are eliminated, it is impossible to prevent the corrosive effects of time. "Fractional radiofrequency", known as the "Golden Needle" or Scarlet S, is an effective method of non-surgical facial rejuvenation by tightening and treating both the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue. It is called the Golden Needle because the needles used for the procedure are coated with gold.

How does the Golden Needle (Scarlet S) procedure work?

Radiofrequency technology has long been used by plastic surgeons and otorhinolaryngologists. Today, radiofrequency technology is still used during nasal concha reduction surgeries. When radiofrequency energy is delivered to tissue in a controlled manner, the tissue response is mainly focusing and tightening. In the ScarLet S fractional golden needle radiofrequency technology, the device produces electromagnetic radiofrequency waves at a rate of 100 to 800 ms with a power of 2 Mhz. The tip of the device includes 25 gold needles that can operate at depths of 0.5 to 3.5 mm below the epidermis. This enables the transmission of energy from the skin surface to the lower layers. The radiofrequency energy given to the lower layers of the skin using the gold needles reaches the substrate of the skin without damaging the surface and induces the production of collagen and elastin. During application, the collagen fibres are stimulated by applying heat from the needles to the tissue. This ensures rapid skin repair and stimulates collagen production. This results in skin regeneration, repair of damaged tissues, glowing and firm skin.

For which problems is the Golden Needle procedure applied?

The golden needle is applied to both face and body.

Partial radiofrequency procedures are used for:

  • Removal of fine wrinkles
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Removal of acne scars
  • Treatment of dark circles under the eyes
  • Cracked skin
  • Tightening of the pores
  • Treatment of acne
  • Treatment of burn scars
  • Restoration of the neck and neckline
  • Tightening of the body
  • Treatment of excessive sweating in the armpits

How is the Golden Needle procedure applied?

Преди прилагането на фракционна радиочестотна технология Златна игла, зоната, където ще се извърши процедурата, се почиства и се прилага анестезиращ крем, за да се намали болката. Обработената зона се почиства с антисептичен разтвор. Системата Scarlet S има златни капачки за иглите, които са специфични за всеки пациент. Въпреки че продължителността на прилагане на „Златна игла“ варира в зависимост от зоната, обикновено отнема 30-45 минути. След процедурата може да има леко зачервяване и оток.

For skin rejuvenation, Golden Needle treatments are applied once a month on average. The number of sessions also varies depending on the procedure. Applying this treatment together with PRP and other mesotherapy treatments increases the effectiveness of the treatments. An average of 3 sessions are performed 2-4 weeks apart. However, in cases such as wrinkles, acne scars or wounds, 4-6 sessions may be needed.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Golden Needle fractional radiofrequency procedure:

Does the procedure immediately show its effects?

With the radiofrequency procedure, a glow, skin firmness, restoration in the facial oval and improvement in skin texture are observed. Depending on the condition of the skin, the effect is visible after an average of 3 sessions. After the procedure, skin recovery continues and the skin becomes more radiant and firmer every day. With how many sessions the target result can be achieved is directly proportional to the extent of the problem in the applied area.

What should be considered after the procedure?

After the procedure, slight redness appears on the skin surface. The area should be moistened and protected from the sun. There may be small crusts on the skin after the session, these will automatically fall off after 3-4 days. The face should not be washed on the day of the session. No makeup should be applied after the session.

When can I return to work and social life?

The redness that appears on the skin after the procedure passes spontaneously the next day. After the application, the patient can return to normal life and start work the next day. It can be applied in all seasons. The partial radiofrequency method must be carried out by specialists experienced in this field in centres where the necessary hygiene conditions are met.

In which cases should it not be applied?

The Golden Needle procedure does not apply:

  • in case of active infection in the area of application
  • herpes
  • during pregnancy
  • in oncological diseases
  • in epilepsy
  • if the patient has a pacemaker

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