CyberKnife M6

CyberKnife M6 is the latest generation CyberKnife.

Cyberknife is one of the best known devices for the application of stereotactic radiosurgery in cancer treatment. The new generation Cyberknife M6 provides much greater patient comfort and much more precise and easy application compared to conventional systems. It is used for malignant or benign diseases localized throughout the body such as:

  • The Brain
  • spine
  • head and neck
  • lung
  • pancreas
  • liver
  • adrenal glands
  • and the prostate

CyberKnife M6 (Кибернож M6)

Cyberknife M6 allows:

  • tumor tracking by specific indicators with automatic correction during treatment
  • true robotic mobility and advanced guidance
  • automatic target tracking despite patient and tumor movement

Cyberknife M6 allows to treat tumors throughout the body with confidence and without compromise.

With the versatility of the InCise™ Multileaf Collimator and robotic dosing, tumors thought untreatable with radiosurgery and SBRT can now be treated effectively and with unrivaled tissue-sparing precision.

The M6 Cyberknife uses highly sensitive robotic technology to treat tumors. It produces radiation for different sized areas according to the shape of the tumor. The robot can act on six different axes. With the robotic arm, by delivering radiation from many different angles, perfect dose distribution can be achieved in tumors localized near important organs.

Identification of the lesion and its location before and during treatment is paramount in radiosurgery. In the CyberKnife M6 system, the image is monitored by computer and radiation is delivered to the desired areas with a high degree of accuracy. During treatment, the system detects and adjusts for the slightest patient activity that may decrease the accuracy and sensitivity of ongoing sessions. Particularly for cranial applications, the patient can be easily treated with simple plastic masks as rigid frame systems are not required.

One of the most important aspects of the CyberKnife M6 system is breath tracking.

Tumors localized particularly in the chest and abdomen (e.g., lung, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, etc.) move with breathing. Irradiation of mobile lesions is quite difficult. For this reason, special techniques are needed to monitor movements during treatment. In treatments conducted by conventional devices, rigid fixation devices are used and large areas are treated that involve changes in location due to respiration. In other applications, the patient is required to hold their breath to locate the tumor, thereby disrupting patient comfort.

None of these things are necessary with the Cyberknife M6. Using a special device placed in the patient's chest area and an infrared camera, the patient's external chest movement can be monitored and can be correlated with internal tumor movements. The robot can track the tumor during treatment, or in other words, the robot copies the patient's breathing and can inhale and exhale with the patient. Constant adjustment allows the machine to compensate for small movements during treatment. This means that the tumour receives the maximum amount of radiation, sparing the surrounding, healthy tissue.

The CyberKnife M6 series is the clinical solution of choice when accuracy, flexibility and efficiency are essential.

Advantages of CyberKnife M6 therapy:

  • Reduced treatment duration at high doses and speeds - from about 58 minutes to 33 minutes.
  • Fewer side effects, excellent protection of surrounding tissues and organs.
  • Painless procedure. Without anesthesia.
  • Outpatient treatment without requiring hospitalization.
  • Non-invasiveness, including no face mask required or attachment of the metal frame to the head/body.
  • No breath-holding is required, thanks to the system tracking organ movement during treatment.
  • No recovery period. Fast return to normal daily life of patients.

The CyberKnife M6 system treats the following cancers and other benign tumors:

  • Brain cancer (benign and malignant)
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Cancer of the pancreas
  • Prostate cancer
  • Cancer of the spine
  • Meningiomas
  • Neurofibromas
  • Schwannomi
  • Vascular malformations
  • Oligometastasis (cancer that has spread but remains confined to one organ)
  • and all types of recurrent and inoperable tumors

Radiation treatments using Cyberknife M6 include:

  • Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)
  • Image guided radiotherapy (IGRT)
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) including:
    - Stereotactic body radiation therapy
    - Cone-based stereotactic radiosurgery
    - Fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy

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CyberKnife M6 (Кибернож M6)
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