Free consultations with the transplantologist Prof. Dr. Kyamil Polat on 20.04.24 Sofia

проф. д-р Кямил Полат на 20.04.24 София
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On April 20, 2024. ZIC "Medical Karadži" will be very pleased to welcome the first specialist who performed bloodless liver transplantation in Europe and the Balkans - Prof. Dr. Kiamil Polat. He will be visiting Sofia for the first time for free consultations of Bulgarian patients in need of kidney or liver transplantation, or general and oncological abdominal surgery.

Prof. Dr. Kyamil Polat is an experienced and qualified specialist in organ transplantation and general surgery. His 37 years of experience and extensive knowledge make him an excellent choice for patients seeking these procedures.

Since 2010 prof. Prof. Polat is part of the Memorial Hospitals Group team. Currently, he is a general surgery specialist and heads the Organ Transplant Unit at Memorial Bahçeliyevler, in Istanbul, where he continues to provide exceptional care to his patients. In addition, he has experience with complex hepatobiliary cases such as Klatskin tumor, extended liver resections, pancreatectomies, etc.

Those wishing to benefit from consultations with the specialist can call 0878 500 730 (ZIC "Medical Karaj") and make an appointment.

You will get a proper direction or second opinion in the following areas:

  • Liver Transplantation
  • Kidney Transplant
  • Hepatobiliary surgery
  • Surgery for metastatic liver cancer
  • Da Vinci Robotic Surgery

Consultations are suitable for people:

  • With an established health problem
  • Needing a second opinion
  • Interested in treatment abroad, in particular Turkey

How to book a consultation?

  • Contact phone 0878 500 730 (ZIC "Medical Karaj")
  • By request on the site

What is needed for the consultation?

  • Current medical records and imaging studies.
  • Note that no physical examinations are performed during the consultation.
проф. д-р Камил Ялчън Полат превю

Prof. Dr. Kamil Yalchan Polat

Introducing Prof. Dr. Kamil Yalchan Polat - a specialist in general surgery. Read more about him in his profile HERE!
Група болници Мемориал

Memorial Hospitals Group

Memorial Healthcare Group , with excellent staff and a customer-centric concept of service delivery in the light of ethical principles of international quality standards, with creating a difference in the medical sector with leading healthcare practices was established with the mission to become a global brand for quality and innovation worldwide. Memorial is the first in Turkey and 21st among hospitals in the world to receive the JCI (Joint Commission International ) Quality Accreditation Certificate.
Трансплантация на бъбреци - превю

Kidney transplantation

Kidney transplantation is the last stage of treatment for people whose kidney function is completely lacking. These are patients who

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"Free consultations for treatment abroad"

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