Free consultations with Dr. Bairam Shahin - ENT and maxillofacial surgery specialist - 20.05.23 Sofia

доц. д-р Байрам Шахин превю
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Health Information Center "Medical Karaj" is pleased to welcome for the first time at May 20, 2023 in Sofia - ear-nose-throat and maxillofacial surgery specialist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bairam Shahin.

All patients requiring a second opinion consultation regarding: head and neck cancer surgery; thyroid surgery; sinus disease; ear surgery; paediatric ENT disease, can benefit from a consultation with the specialist, get a second opinion and find out what the options are for overseas treatment of their condition. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bairam Shahin accepts children with ENT diseases for consultation.

Patients who have up-to-date medical records and wish to schedule a free consultation, with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bairam Shahin at 20 May 2023 г. in Sofia, can call the phones of "Medical Carrage": 0879 977 401 / 0879 977 402 or request your desired appointment online at

Please note that no physical examinations will be performed during the consultation. Free consultations are based on the medical records currently available to the patient.

доц. д-р Байрам Шахин превю

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bairam Shahin

We would like to introduce you to Dr. Bairam Shahin, an ENT and head and neck surgery specialist. Read more about him HERE!
Оториноларингология или Уши, нос и гърло - превю

Ears, nose and throat

Otorhinolaryngology or Ear, Nose and Throat (abbreviated ENT) is a medical field that studies the origin, development, treatment

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