Free consultations with plastic surgeon Dr. Alper Axakal on 10-11.05.2024 in Sofia

д-р Алпер Аксакал на 10-11.05.2024
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Dr. Aksakal will hold free consultations for Bulgarian patients who wish to undergo plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery on 10th and 11th May 2024 in Sofia at the invitation of ZIC "Medical Karaj". Those wishing to come for a consultation with the plastic surgeon should make an appointment in advance at 0878500730.

Dr. Ibrahim Alper Aksakal is one of the leading specialists in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in Turkey. Its rating in the country is 4.7/5 points. He has performed more than 2,000 surgeries and is most in demand for closed rhinoplasty, a method for faster and scar-free recovery.

The specialist can advise you on:

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Aesthetics of breasts
  • Gynecomastia
  • Facial aesthetics
  • Body contouring and liposuction

During his visit to Bulgaria, Dr. Alper Aksakal will bring a special 3D camera and rhinoplasty program to demonstrate how the patient would look after the surgery.

"The purpose of the simulation is to meet the patient in our common idea. It is very important for the success of the surgery that the patient's wishes and the surgical procedures meet our common goals. With the help of the simulation, together with the patient we clearly define the goal we are aiming for."

Free consultations with a plastic surgeon are suitable for you if:

  • Have a desire for a plastic procedure
  • Need more information
  • Interested in surgery abroad, in particular Turkey

How to book a free consultation?

  • The phone numbers of the ZIC "Medical Karadži": 0878500730
  • By request on the site en

What do you need for the consultation?

  • Up-to-date medical records if you have accompanying medical conditions and imaging studies if the specifics of your case require them.
  • Note that during the consultation no physical examinations are performed.
Д-р Ибрахим Алпер Аксакал

Dr. Ibrahim Alper Aksakal

Dr. Ibrahim Alper Axakal is one of the leading plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery specialists in Turkey. His rating in the country is 4.7 out of 5 points.
Пластична хирургия 2

Plastic surgery

In today's world, more and more people are resorting to the intervention of plastic surgery to achieve the desired perfection, to erase or remove their external flaws that oppress them and hinder their self-esteem.

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