проф. д-р Рифат Расиер

Prof. Dr. Rifat Raseer


CV and professional development

Prof. Dr. Rifat Raseer graduated from Cerrahpasal Medical Faculty in 2004 and started his specialization in ophthalmology at Demioğlu Bilim University.

At that time he started his master's program at Bogazici University, Department of Biomedical Engineering in. He graduated from the MS program in 2010 and the PhD program at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Bogazici University in 2017, receiving the title of Ph.


  • 1998 - 2003 Istanbul Cerrahpaşa University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey Doctor of Medicine / 2nd place in Medical School
  • 2001 - 2001 Louisiana State University, School of Medicine, New Orleans, USA Internship in interventional radiology
  • 2002 - 2002 Stadtisches Klinikum, Kemperhof Koblenz, Germany - General Surgery Floor
  • 2003 - 2004 Istanbul Cerrahpaşa University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey Internship
  • 2004 - 2005 Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, Residency in Ophthalmology
  • 2005 - 2010 Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey Residency in Ophthalmology
  • Boğaziçi University, MSc , Biomedical Engineering(2009)
  • Boğaziçi University, PhD , Biomedical Engineering(2017)

During his medical education, Dr. Rifat attended Louisiana State University School of Medicine in the United States, Stadtisches Klinikum Kemperhof Koblenz in Germany, and The Western Eye Hospital, Imperial College in England. In 2007, he obtained equivalency for the Faculty of Medicine from the General Medical Council of England and was granted the right to practice as a physician with full medical registration by England.

Continuing his development, Prof. Dr. Rifat Raseer completed his residency in Ophthalmology at Billim University in 2010.
He also completed his compulsory service at Kirklareli State Hospital in 2012.
In 2016, he received the title of Associate Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology.

He passed the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO) examination in 2015. He became an associate professor in 2016. He worked as a lecturer at Demiroğlu Bilim University in 2015-2021.

проф. д-р Рифат Расиер вътре

Memberships and publications


  • Turkish Medical Association - Turkish Medical Association
  • Turkish Ophthalmology Association - Turkish Ophthalmology Association
  • Turkish American Ophthalmological Society - Turkish American Ophthalmology Society


  • Best Publication Award, Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, 2010,
  • First Prize, 2010: JCI Turkey - The Ten Most Successful Young People, in Medicine and Medical Inventions.
  • Ministry of Industry, Support for Technology Entrepreneurship Projects, 2010
  • Best Scientific Poster, Second Prize, National Congress of the Turkish Ophthalmological Society 2017
  • Best scientific poster, third prize - "Ablation of monofocal intraocular lenses with femtosecond laser", National Congress of
  • Turkish Ophthalmological Association 2020
  • First prize for the best scientific poster - "Ablation of monofocal intraocular lenses with femtosecond laser, ESCRS", European Association for Cataract Refractive Surgery 2021

Clinical areas of interest

Main clinical areas of interest:

  • Cornea transplantation
  • Refractive surgery
  • Diplomacy
  • Cataracts
  • Applications of laser

Work streams:

Part of the team:

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Лого Медикъл Караджъ
проф. д-р Рифат Расиер
проф. д-р Рифат Расиер вътре
Болница Лив 002
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