On the 9th and 10th of June 2023 in the town of. The first ever international scientific conference on:


The project was initiated by the Tissue Bank "Bioregeneration" and the Balkan Association for Biomodulation and Neurofeedback (BANFN), provoked by the growing number of Bulgarian families who are looking for therapeutic ways to deal with behavioral and cognitive spectrum disorders in children with autism. The scientific and medical consultant of the project is Dr. Dimitar Kolev Ph.D. - Head of the Department at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the MMA, Co-Chair of the BANBS and Honorary Lecturer in Neurolinguistics and Applied Psychophysiology at the Southwest University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad.

The conference is aimed at both medical professionals and parents of children with behavioural and cognitive disorders associated with autism.

Invited speakers are people with years of dedication - life and professional - to the treatment of children on the autism spectrum. Some of them are guest lecturers from abroad, developing therapies in this field, little known both to health professionals in our country and to the parents themselves.

Speakers will address topics related to the latest scientific understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiological mechanisms and treatment of ASD. Current diagnostic algorithms will be discussed. Traditional and non-traditional treatment methods will be presented. Successful behavioral and cognitive therapies will be presented. Deficiencies in the social and educational integration of these children will be reviewed and guidelines for overcoming them will be identified. An educational module will be provided in which professionals will demonstrate current methods for working in a school setting with children on the spectrum.


  • Professor. Erdal Karayoz - Turkey,
  • Professor. Theocharis Theocharides -USA,
  • Prof. Dr. Monika Bogdanova,
  • Assoc. Ekaterina Ivanova-Todorova,
  • Professor. Plamen Bojinov,
  • Assoc. Prof. Elka Goranova,
  • Dimitar Urdev,
  • Professor. Prof. Milen Bogdanov,
  • Dr. Maria Savcheva,
  • Professor. Jaroslav Michalek - Czech Republic,
  • Professor. Dusan Maric - Serbia,
  • Dr. Djihan Abazovic, MD, PhD - Serbia,
  • Dr. Tania Kadijska,
  • Dr. Dora Pachova,
  • Chad Hunnicutt, ABA therapist, USA,
  • Millais School,
  • Dr. Grzegorz Lewicki - Poland,
  • Boryana Murghina et al.

As the conference will have the ambition to outline different ways to deal with the growing number of children on the autism spectrum, invitations for participation will be extended to representatives from government institutions and the media.

Date and venue: 9 and 10 June, 2023, Ramada Hotel, Sofia


9 June 2023.

8.00 - 8.30 - Registration, café

8.30-9.00 a.m. - Greetings from state, municipal and professional institutions

9.00-10.00 ч.

  1. "Autism spectrum disorders: is personalized mesenchymal stem cell therapy the future?" - prof. Erdal Karayoz, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Erdal Karayoz is a specialist in stem cell treatment and transplantation. In 2006, he founded Turkey's first Stem Cell Research Center at Kocaeli University. From 2007 to 2014, he served as the Director of the Research Center and Head of the Stem Cell Transplantation Department.

10.00-10.30 ч.

  1. "Metals - intoxication and detoxification in children with developmental disorders" - Dr. Maria Savcheva
    Dr. Maria Savcheva is a hematologist. Scientific interests - auto- and alloimmunization and transfusion therapy in patients with massive and multiple transfusions of blood and blood components, immunohematological diagnosis of pregnant women (immunization against erythrocyte, platelet and leukocyte antigens). Application of biomedical therapy in patients with autism, autism-related disorders, generalized developmental disorders.

10.30-11.00 ч.

  1. "Autobodies versus neuronal structures as a diagnostic and immunopathogenetic marker" - Assoc. Ekaterina Ivanova-Todorova
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Ivanova-Todorova is a clinical immunologist at the Laboratory of Clinical Immunology of St. Ivan Rilski" and Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Laboratory and Clinical Immunology of the Medical University of Sofia

11.00-11.30 ч.

  1. "Diagnostic capabilities of swLORETA qEEG and its use for neuronavigation in neuromodulatory treatment of ASD" - Dimitar Kolev, MD
    Dr. Dimitar Kolev, Ph.D. is the Head of the Department at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the MMA, Co-Chair of the BANBS and a lecturer in Neurolinguistics and Applied Psychophysiology at the Southwest University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad.

11.30-12.00 - Coffee break

12.00-12.30 ч.

  1. "Neuromodulation in children on the autism spectrum - rTMS, tDCS" - prof. Plamen Bojinov
    Prof. Dr. Plamen Bozhinov, MD, PhD, is a specialist in neurology and EEG, epileptologist. From 2020 prof. Bozhinov is the Head of the Neurology Clinic at the high-tech Heart and Brain Hospital, Pleven. Co-Chairman of the BANBN.

12.30-13.00 ч.

  1. "Diagnosis of the risk of autism in infants and children up to 3 years" - Prof. Dr. Monika Bogdanova
    Prof. Dr. Monika Bogdanova is a psychoanalyst, lecturer at Sofia University "St. She is a professor at St. Kliment Ohridski University. Clinical interests.

13.00-13.30 ч.

  1. "The key role of the speech therapist in counseling, diagnosis and therapy of autism spectrum disorders" - Assoc. Elka Goranova
    Assoc. Elka Goranova is a PhD in Logopedics and a senior assistant professor at the South University "N. Prof. Dr. Goranova is a professor and Head of the Department of Speech and Language Sciences at the University of Rilski, Blagoevgrad. She works in the field of communication disorders - counseling, diagnosis and therapy of children and adolescents from 3 to 18 years. She is a member of the Association of Speech Therapists in Bulgaria and of the Bulgarian Association of Speech Therapists. He is a trusted speech therapist at ALA - Association of patients with congenital facial anomalies and their parents.

13.30-14.30 - Lunch

14.30-15.00 ч.

  1. "Results and analysis of trace elements from hair - relationships and dependencies in therapy" - Prof. Milen Bogdanov
    Prof. Dr. Milen Bogdanov is a lecturer at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University. Kliment Ohridski". He works in the field of organic and physical organic chemistry. The main focus in the research group of prof. Bogdanov's research focuses on the metabolic theory of origin and correction of a number of clinical conditions.

15.00-15.30 ч.

  1. "Kindinorm - part of the integrative approach to balancing the psycho-emotional state in children with developmental problems" - Dr. Maria Savcheva

15.30-16.00 ч.

  1. "Complex treatment approach in a child with autism - experience from Cellthera Clinic - Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Michalek, Czech Republic
    Prof. Dr. Michalek is a pediatrician, immunologist, oncologist. He is an authoritative specialist in the treatment of cancer by stem cell transplantation as well as an international specialist in innovative treatment programs for systemic and autoimmune diseases. Since 2011 prof. Michalek has been elected President of the International Consortium for Cell Therapy and Immunology.

16.00-16.20 - Coffee break

16.20-16.50 ч.

  1. "The awkward questions about stem cells" - Maya Stoeva, Administrative Director of the Tissue Bank "Bioregeneration"
    "Bioregeneration is the largest tissue bank in Bulgaria and one of the first to develop stem cell storage with the most advanced and reliable methods and technologies. In addition to family stem cell banking, Bioregeneration is known to medical professionals in the country for its high quality allograft transplant products.

16.50-17.10 ч.

  1. "Development and stimulation of speech in children from 0 to 3 years. Important tips for parents - what parents should and should not do! Stages of language development" - Boryana Murghina
    Boryana Murghina is a speech and language therapist, Master in Speech and Language Pathology. She is the manager of the Winnie the Pooh Speech Therapy Centre. Since 2018 she is a speech therapist at the Center for Therapy of Communicative and Emotional-Behavioral Disorders at NBU.

17.10-17.45 - Q&A

10 June 2023

9.00-9.30 - Check-in, coffee

9.30-10.00 ч.

  1. "Contemporary aspects in the diagnosis and treatment of ASD" - Dr. Dimitar Kolev
    Dr. Dimitar Kolev, Ph.D. is the Head of the Department at the Clinic of Nervous Diseases of the MMA, Co-Chair of the BANBS and a lecturer in Neurolinguistics and Applied Psychophysiology at the Southwest University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad.

10.00-10.30 ч.

  1. "The role of stem cells in the treatment of children on the autism spectrum" - prof. Dusan Maric, Serbia
    Specialist in orthopaedics and paediatric surgery at the Clinic of Paediatrics at the Vojvodina Institute of Child Health in Novi Sad. Dr. Dušan Marić is a pioneer in stem cell therapy and founder of the Association for Restorative Orthopedics ORTO-CELL. In 2015 he performed the first stem cell transplant surgery in Serbia

10.30-11.00 ч.

  1. "Immunoglobulin Treatment in Children on the Autism Spectrum" - Dr. Djihan Abazovic, MD, PhD, Serbia
    Dr. Jihan Abazovic is an emergency medicine specialist. After graduating in medicine in Belgrade, he worked in Brazil in the field of cellular genetics. Dr. Abazovic is one of the pioneers in Serbia who introduced regenerative medicine into clinical practice.

11.00-11.30 - Coffee break

11.30-11.50 ч.

  1. "Role of genetic and epigenetic markers in the biomedical approach to the treatment of children with developmental problems" - Dr. Tanya Kadijska
    Dr. Tanya Kadijska is a PhD in Biology with a degree in Medical Biochemistry and a lecturer at the Medical University - Sofia. She is the head of the "Nutrigenetics" sector at GMDL "Genika" and Genome Center - Bulgaria, JSC. He is a member of the Marie Curie Association MCAA Bulgarian chapter and the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG).

11.50-12.10 ч.

  1. "Microbiome, intestinal nosodes and possibilities of homeopathy in the therapy of children on the autism spectrum" - Dr. Dora Pachova
    Dr. Dora Pachova is a homeopathic doctor with 30 years of practice. Director of the Center for Health and Education "Edikta". President of the Association of Homeopathic Doctors in Bulgaria. Coordinator of the Education Subcommittee of the European Committee of Homeopathy. Master in Family Therapy and Disability Counselling and also Master in Homeopathic Therapy.

12.10-13.00 ч.

  1. "ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis and Application in Occupational Therapy" - Chad Hunnicutt, ABA therapist, USA and Dimitar Urdev "Education for Children and Youth with SEN. Reality and opportunities for development" - Dimitar Urdev
    The Chat Hound is a licensed and certified behavior analyst. He graduated from Arizona State University. He is licensed in Virginia as a tutor of students with various special education needs. He is the CEO of Evidence Based Classroom Solutions, LLCDimiter Urdev is the founder of the For Tomorrow Foundation. He is a parent of a child with SEN. With focused and consistent outreach regarding the education of children with SEN in our country, he finds successful models for therapy and education for children on the autism spectrum.

13.00-14.00 ч. Lunch
14.00-15.00 ч.

  1. "Learning happens when it's fun" - MILEA School, Milena Paunova - founder, Anna Ivanova - occupational therapist, Olga Georgieva - speech therapist, Krasena Hristova - teacher
    Milea School was established in 2019. It manages to synchronize state education standards and a sensory-based learning approach into an innovative concept for success among school-aged children. The school offers support and acceptance of different learning styles and encourages the development of a child's natural potential, allowing them to maintain their unique identity and need for play and movement, and most of all, to improve their educational skills every day.

15.00-15.30 ч.

  1. "Optometry and Vision Therapy in Autism" - Dr. Grzegorz Lewicki
    Dr. Lewicki graduated in optometry at the University of Warsaw and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He is a vision therapist and optometrist. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders - binocular vision, amblyopia, suppression, accommodation, eye movements, fixation, visual perception dysfunction in individuals with developmental problems.

15.30-16.00 - Coffee break
16.00-16.30 ч.

  1. "Brain Allergy and Autism Spectrum Disorder" - prof. Theocharis Theocharides
    Prof. Dr. Theoharides is part of the team at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), Florida. He is the Director of the Center of Excellence at NSU. Bachelor of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Medicine degrees from Yale University, USA. He works on studies with tissue immune cells and mast cells that play a key role in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and post-concussion syndrome.

16.30-17.30 Q&A

ZIC "Medical Karadži" is an official partner of the event. We believe that the conference will be of great importance for the awareness of the most advanced diagnostic algorithms and treatment methods for children on the autism spectrum.

If you wish to attend you can purchase tickets HERE:

Please contact the coordinators of ZIC "Medical Karaj" for more information:
0879 977 401 и 0879 977 402


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