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Диагнозата беше безплодие - ФБ

The diagnosis was infertility, after more than 2 years of trying in Bulgaria

In short, the diagnosis was infertility, after more than 2 years of trying in Bulgaria and a huge disappointment.

Вън от омагьосъния кръг на Инвитро процедурите - ФБ

Out of the vicious circle of Invitro procedures

I have been in the vicious circle of Invitro procedures since 2012. I have had 4 failed attempts and I hope the 5th one I did in Memorial, Istanbul, Turkey will end successfully. My diagnosis is partially blocked fallopian tubes. In 1986 when I was 6 years old I became ill with appendicitis due to peritonitis. I was bedridden for 3 months and my life was in danger.

Възможностите са толкова големи, колкото големи са мечтите Ви! - ФБ

The possibilities are as big as your dreams!

The leading diagnosis is polymicrogyria, cerebral palsy - quadriparesis, epilepsy. The diagnoses were made when Bobcho was 8 months old

Инвитро – за първи път от десет години някой ми помогна толкова - ФБ

Invitro - for the first time in ten years someone helped me so much

I have been doing in vitro procedures for many years. In Bulgaria, unfortunately, I did not receive the necessary attention and treatment to achieve the goal. I am currently being treated at the ISCARE clinic in Bulgaria. I am still in the process of treatment in this clinic. Medical Karaci Tours helped me a lot with this

Моята първа диагноза беше Диабет тип 2 - ФБ

Thank them from the bottom of my heart!

My first diagnosis was Type 2 Diabetes. I knew about it, but wandered in a vicious circle of diets and medications that did not work. As a consequence, I reached unimaginable weights that made it even harder.


This is not a job, this is a CALL!!!

On August 31, 2015 we were admitted to the Children's Hospital "prof. Ivan Mitev", with suspected fascialis. Valery was dropping everything he caught with his left hand, swinging his left leg, and hiding his mouth. After a number of examinations on 03.09.2015 an MRI of the head was performed. The imaging showed an 8 cm tumour. According to the neurosurgeons at birth, located in the right ventricle.

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Blvd. Hristo Botev 92, RILON Business Centre, floor 2 Bulgaria, Plovdiv

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Str. Panayot Volov No.2 Bulgaria, Shumen.

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Bane Andreev Ronkata #2, 1400 Veles, Macedonia