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Още с влизането във фоайето на болницата, човек остава приятно изненадан

Upon entering the hospital lobby, one is pleasantly surprised

I would like to briefly share my impressions of my visit to Shishli Memorial Hospital, Istanbul, and the organisation of my examination.

През 2016 г. ми беше поставена диагноза МС.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with MS

Two years after I was diagnosed with MS, I had an MRI of my head and neck, and learned that I had narrowing in 3 spinal canal locations.

В този момент пред мен бяха окуражителните думи на Звезди

At that moment before me were the encouraging words of Starry

In 2018, I had an MRI. It seemed like a routine check-up to me, but it turned out to be crucial with a diagnosis I didn't even suspect.

Диагнозата рак на гърдата получих на 66-годишна възраст

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 66

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 66. In the following year I underwent 8 infusions of chemotherapy and 25 days of radiation.

Мечта за дете

We dreamed of a child for many years

The long-awaited dream has become a reality thanks to the assistance we received from the Health Information Center "Medical Karaj" and thanks to the entire team of professionals at "Memorial Sisli Hospital".

Сега вече нищо не чакам, имам си всичко

Now I'm not waiting for anything, I have everything thanks to these people

They are not only professionals but also people with big hearts. They put themselves in my shoes and I let them guide me. So, without realizing it I was in Turkey for another IVF.

Обадихме се и останахме изключително доволни

I learned about Medical Carragee from an advertisement on a website

I learned about Medical Carnage from an advertisement on a website. We called and were extremely pleased with the information provided to us on our first phone call. We were reassured and assisted quickly and extraordinarily to meet with a representative of the hospital and from there it all began on our path to happiness.

Моята история започна с желанието да имаме бебе

My story began with the desire to have a baby

My story started with wanting to have a baby in 2013. In 2014 I got pregnant naturally and my happiness was great, but it didn't last long. At 8 weeks the doctor who was monitoring me said the baby was not developing and a miscarriage followed.

За пръв път се сблъсках със заболяването ми – Мускулна дистрофия - ФБ

I first encountered my disease - Muscular Dystrophy when I was 13 years old

I first encountered my disease, Muscular Dystrophy, when I was 13 years old. In PE class I couldn't long jump I experienced severe difficulty, then I went to the doctor, they ran a full blood count and my creatine phosphokinase was 5 times above normal.

Диагнозата ми е ЛАС /амиотрофична латерална склероза/ - ФБ

Medical Carragee - for them the patient comes first

I can say that they are kind, honest, for them the patient comes first, rarely does one come across such kind and dedicated people.

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Str. General Ivan Kolev, 33 B Bulgaria, Sofia

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Str. Ivan Vazov 75 Bulgaria, Burgas 8000

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Blvd. Hristo Botev 92, RILON Business Centre, floor 2 Bulgaria, Plovdiv

Shumen Office:

Str. Panayot Volov No.2 Bulgaria, Shumen.

Macedonia Office:

Bane Andreev Ronkata #2, 1400 Veles, Macedonia

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