Chorlu Watan Multidisciplinary Private Hospital

Starting from the philosophical thinking "Man First" and the basic motto "On an Equal Footing" in the field of healthcare, we proudly declare that hospital healthcare is the honorable rights of all people in the social environment of society.

Back in 1981 we decided to open a New Private Hospital in the town of. CHORLU. Our hospital was the first private health care facility in the TRACIA region. We owe our contribution to public healthcare primarily to our honest conduct, high morals and ethics in medical principles.

The hospital, built in 1981, had 2500 m2 of enclosed space with 29 inpatient beds and a medical staff of 14. By the end of 2014, with the construction of the new hospital building on a 12,000 m2 area, the capacity of hospital beds increased to 140.

We offer healthcare services at high levels. We have contracts with the Health Insurance Fund, Private Insurance Companies, Banks and Contract Factories.

Our hospital offers healthcare services in all fields of medicine.

In a new building with modern state-of-the-art medical equipment and a highly specialized medical staff, we offer a service of high European and world level.



The Department of Internal Medicine and the diagnostic inpatient rooms are equipped with modern medical equipment and apply all modern methods and clinical algorithms in the treatment and diagnosis of internal diseases.

Priority areas of internal medicine specialists are gastroenterology, heart disease, hypertensive disease, endocrine, metabolic and hematological diseases. Internal medicine is the most extensive specialty in medicine.

On the basis of modern medical equipment and highly specialized medical staff, great attention is paid to prevention as an early method for the diagnosis of diseases and their timely treatment by conducting information campaigns and preventive examinations by relevant specialists.

In addition, treatment with modern antibiotic drugs is administered in accordance with regulations coordinated directly by the Ministry of Health.


The cardiology sector employs highly qualified staff with state-of-the-art equipment, performing all diagnostic and invasive therapeutic procedures for timely diagnosis and advanced treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as:


The diagnostic office and the functional sector have the latest generation of ultrasound equipment, Velergometer, Holter, ECG monitor, Doppler sonograph.

When necessary, the clinic interacts with imaging specialists, including the use of Scanner and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.



The Skin Diseases office performs the widest range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Allergic, infectious, benign and malignant skin diseases are treated, phototherapy and cosmetic medical aesthetic procedures are performed.

A wide range of consultations are provided, including:

  • Severe forms of psoriasis
  • Bacterial and viral skin infections
  • Bullous dermatologists and cellulitis
  • Toxico-allergic dermatitis
  • Erythrodermias
  • Diseases of the subcutaneous connective tissue
  • Laser treatment


The clinic provides imaging and functional diagnostics, modern therapeutic prophylaxis and monitoring of the most common and socially significant diseases in childhood.

The children's clinic is very specialized with a focus on gastroenterology, allergology, rheumatology, endocrinology, pulmonology and neurology.

In the clinic are diagnosed and treated:

  • Allergology (Medical, respiratory, nutritional)
  • Pulmonology - bronchial asthma, acute respiratory tract infections, allergic respiratory diseases
  • Endocrinology - obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, growth disorder, rickets and rickets conditions, pubertal development disorder.
  • Rheumatology (inflammatory, reactive and autoimmune systemic diseases)
  • Gastroenterology (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and viral diseases).


All types of diagnostic procedures and surgical interventions are performed in the department. The treatment is modern and qualitative thanks to an advanced video diagnostic complex and highly qualified staff. The activity of the clinic covers diagnosis and treatment of all types of ear, nose and throat diseases in children and adults included.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears
  • Medical and surgical treatment for sinusitis
  • Plastic surgery for deformities of the nose and nasal septum
  • Tonsillitis
  • Pathologies of the Eustachian tube
  • Pathologies of the pharynx and larynx including endoscopic surgery
  • Removal of foreign bodies from affected organs


The neurology clinic provides diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. All types of strokes, cerebrovascular diseases, sleep disorders are treated.

Our hospital has a Sleep Disorders Laboratory, for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders - obstructive and central sleep apnea, as well as sleep-wake cycling disorders "Hypersomnias and narcolepsies". Electromyographic examinations in various pathological conditions of the peripheral nerves are performed in a separate laboratory. We also have an intensive care unit which is state of the art, enabling 24 hour monitoring of vital signs.


The Surgical Department provides elective and emergency surgical care to patients. Ensures round the clock surgical care to all patients in need. Patients are provided with 24 hour observation by a surgical specialist.

Medical diagnostic activity:

The department has endoscopic equipment. Primary, secondary and consultative examinations are performed. Diagnostic treatment of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary and pancreatic pathology. Operative treatment of abdominal wall defects (all types of hernias), soft tissue trauma, purulent-septic diseases, diseases of the mammary and thyroid glands, operative interventions for vascular diseases of the extremities and various degrees of burns are performed.

As part of the Emergency Surgery Section, the department deals with the treatment of traumatic injuries of the chest and abdomen. The clinic also performs minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures.

Priority in the activities of the surgeons of the hospital is emergency thoracic and abdominal surgery, oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary-liver surgery, pancreatic surgery, diseases of the colon, cysts, fissures and rhabdomyosarcoma, a large number of laparoscopic operations are performed, recently the surgical treatment of obese and overweight patients has come on the agenda.


The department of obstetrics and gynaecology employs highly specialised health professionals. The department has facilities for examination by obstetric monitors, colposcopy - endoscopic equipment, nuclear magnetic resonance, computer tomograph of the latest generation, mammograph, a full range of clinical - laboratory, pathological, cytological, immunological and genetic tests.

In the maternity ward, the full range of activities necessary in any situation from normal birth to high-risk birth are performed. The labour ward team provides specialist care for normal and complicated pregnancies. The medical aspects of our activities are subordinated to the world and European leading practices and the WHO recommendations for good medical practice in obstetrics.

The gynaecology department pays great attention to endoscopic diagnostics and minimally invasive surgery.

In the field of gynaecology it is offered:

  • Modern contraception and hormone replacement therapy
  • Treatment in urogynecological diseases
  • Early diagnosis of cervical cancer
  • Modern approaches to the treatment of pre-cancerous conditions of the genital system
  • Modern diagnosis and treatment of ovarian, uterine and vulvar cancer
  • Comprehensive oncological prophylaxis in women, child and adolescent gynaecology
  • Diagnosis and replacement treatment in menopause


The plastic surgery center performs surgeries related to aesthetics and appearance improvement.

The treatment activities in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic are:

Aesthetic surgeries:

  • Facial and limb wrinkle corrections - blepharoplasty, brachioplasty, Botox injections, wrinkle filling, laser therapy and brow lift.
  • Aesthetic breast surgery - female breast augmentation, mastopexy, breast reduction
  • Aesthetic correction of nasal deformity and nasal septum - corrections of the tip of the nose, removal of the hump of the nose, shortening the length of the nose, corrections of the nasal septum.
  • Aesthetic correction of the ears - reduction of the auricle, corrections of the ear pendant, corrections of protruding ears.
  • Liposuction - suction of fat from the abdominal wall, trunk and limbs.
  • Anterior abdominoplasty and adjustments for other aesthetic reasons.
  • Aesthetic lip corrections - surgical lip augmentation or reduction, corrections with fillers.
  • Aesthetic correction of external genital organs
  • Medical aesthetic procedures - mesotherapy, mesolifting, ozone treatment, injectable lipolysis, skin peeling, laser dermabrasion, application of Botox and P.R.P.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery in children and adult patients:

  • Congenital malformations and anomalies - congenital clefts of the lip and palate, syndactyly, polydactyly, amniotic furrows.
  • Skin tumors of different localization - pigment spots, hemangiomas, moles, skin cancer.
  • Reconstructive surgeries after trauma, scar correction after injuries and burns, treatment of long non-healing wounds of various nature and diabetic foot.


The Clinic of Orthopaedics and Traumatology has modern medical equipment and highly qualified medical staff. All diseases of the musculoskeletal system are diagnosed and treated in our centre. Patients who have undergone endoprosthesis or bloodless surgeries recover quickly because the surgeries are minimally invasive and gentle. The department works with the latest generation of implants.

The clinic is equipped with modern equipment for arthroscopic surgery, computer-assisted surgery for osteoarthritis, damaged menisci and ligaments.

The main activities in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology are:

  • Endoprosthesis of joints
  • Early diagnosis and contemporary treatment of osteonecrosis of the TBC in children and adults
  • Osteosyntheses with latest generation implants for limb fractures
  • Extension of short and deformed limbs with the method of ILIZAROV or monolateral external fixator and combined lengthening by distraction osteogenesis
  • Treatment of sports injuries (sports traumatology and arthroscopic treatment)
  • Surgical treatment for congenital deformities
  • Conservative treatment of chronic musculoskeletal disorders (PRP, Orthokine, viscosupplementation)
  • Surgical treatment of bone infections and deformities of the bony articular apparatus.
  • Reconstructive surgery for posttraumatic complications

Recently, minimally invasive techniques and approaches have been applied for the modern treatment of fractures. This is in accordance with the principles imposed by leading world and European practices.

The clinic uses internationally certified implants recommended by the AO Foundation, thus reducing the risk of post-operative complications based on the implants or the way the surgical interventions are performed. The clinic pays particular attention to the arthroscopic treatment of the ligamentous apparatus of the limbs. Primary ligamentous reconstructions and revision surgical interventions are performed with success.

In the case of degenerative osteoarthritis and limb lengthening, computer navigation techniques have become the order of the day in global practice and are successfully applied by our highly qualified specialists.


The neurosurgery clinic provides modern surgical treatment of spinal and cranio-brain injuries, surgical treatment of chronic pain syndrome, degenerative spinal diseases - disc herniations, stenoses, listhesis and scoliosis, spinal-brain tumors, aneurysms and congenital malformations.

The clinic has modern equipment to provide minimally invasive surgical interventions in the head and spine. The specialist neurosurgeons have extensive experience in the application of advanced implants in degenerative and traumatic cranio-brain and spinal injuries. Patients with vascular diseases are also treated with success. The high level of the specialists contribute to high results in the field of specialized medical care, complying and meeting the accepted medical standards in the country.


The Urology Clinic is a department for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of urological diseases.

It has all the possibilities for diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases of the urogenital system, modern treatment of urinary stones and their complications. Especially a large share in the field of urology belongs to modern endoscopic treatment - endourology.

The clinic provides treatment for:

  • Diseases of the bladder, prostate gland and urinary tract
  • Laser treatment for tumors of the prostate gland
  • Ultrasonic breaking of kidney stones
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, bladder and prostate gland
  • Oncourological diseases
  • Interference in erection
  • Pediatric urology and treatment of urinary incontinence


In the department of physical and rehabilitation therapy the following diseases are examined and treated:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Neurological diseases
  • Surgical and internal diseases
  • ENT diseases
  • Childhood diseases

The physical therapy specialist determines the rehabilitation potential and supervises the implementation of the assigned therapeutic program including:

  • Electrotherapy and light therapy
  • Treatment with laser device
  • Kinesitherapy
  • Thermal Therapy
  • Functional tests
  • Inside joint applications and prolotherapy
  • Manual therapy

The department works according to established algorithms for physical and rehabilitation medicine of a large number of socially significant and disabling diseases. Many modern and highly specialized physical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are applied. Complex functional assessment of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system is performed: goniometry, manual muscle testing, assessment of the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system, assessment of coordination, balance, gait, hand functions, assessment of independence in activities of daily living.

The department has an inpatient ward for early rehabilitation and facilities for pre-treatment and long-term treatment and rehabilitation of chronic suffering.


The Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care aims to provide consistent, reliable, high-quality, specialised, consultative, outpatient and inpatient, elective and emergency medical services performed by highly specialised specialists in anaesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. The clinic of anesthesiology and intensive care has modern equipment manufactured by world-renowned companies for anesthesia, analgesia, artificial pulmonary ventilation and monitoring of patients in severe comatose state.

Specialist anaesthetists perform pre-anaesthetic consultations, consultations related to intensive care and preparation of patients who are to undergo surgery under general or regional anaesthesia.

Physicians anesthesiologists conduct:

  • Consultative examinations: every patient who is about to undergo surgery and an invasive diagnostic procedure undergoes a consultation with an anesthesiologist. The aim is to make a complete assessment of the patient's condition and risk of the upcoming intervention. Consultations are carried out in relation to optimising treatment in high-risk patients and their grading.
  • Anaesthetic activity

Outpatient anesthesia, upper and lower endoscopy fibrogastroscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, fibrobronchoscopy, cystoscopy, regional intravenous anesthesia for bloodless interventions in trauma. Anaesthesia and sedation in the imaging department.

Anaesthesia in day surgery: regional and general anaesthesia used in surgical interventions in traumatology, urology, obstetrics, gynaecology, general and thoracic surgery, plastic surgery, ear nose throat, dentistry.

Anesthesia in the operating room:

Regional and general anaesthesia administered for elective and emergency surgical interventions in surgery, plastic surgery, urology, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, labour pain relief by operative and physiological routes.

Pain Management - Allogical intensive care and intensive care unit.

The central intensive care unit treats all patients with severely impaired vital functions, regardless of the nature of the underlying disease.

The intensive care unit treats patients of all ages with a variety of severe life-threatening surgical, neurosurgical, neurological, trauma, infectious, multiple trauma and internal organ diseases.

Our Hospital develops health tourism and our goal is to present patients with world-class medical care at significantly lower prices and without a waiting period.

Service is provided by highly qualified professionals with exceptional skills and experience.

The staff is fully dedicated to the patient's needs and takes every care in helping them by providing quality medical care, personal attention, care and support.

We offer medical care at all levels, in addition we arrange a choice of surgeons, visas and medical support.

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