Gastroenterologists and cardiologists from Tokuda saved a 26-year-old man after a work accident

Гастроентеролози и кардиолози от Токуда спасиха 26 годишен мъж

Young man recovers successfully from severe trauma to his liver and the blood vessels that supply it

Gastroenterologists and cardiologists from Tokuda saved a 26-year-old man

A 26-year-old man was rescued at Tokuda Hospital Sofia with a rare complication after liver trauma. After an endoscopic procedure by Tokuda's interventional gastroenterologists, an accurate assessment of his condition and intervention by cardiologists from the Japanese hospital, the young patient's condition was stabilized and he made a successful recovery.

The man was transported from another hospital and was admitted as an emergency to the Interventional Gastroenterology Unit in severe condition, in hemorrhagic shock, with jaundice and evidence of bleeding from the digestive system. Tokuda endoscopists performed emergency endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, a procedure in which the bile ducts are accessed with an endoscope through the mouth. This procedure is used to detect hemorrhage in the bile duct due to trauma to the liver, accompanied by a very rare complication - a ruptured aneurysm of a branch of the hepatic artery and communication with the biliary tree. The timely intervention of the invasive cardiologists continued the successful work of the gastroenterologists.With the help of embolization of the vessel and insertion of special implants called coils, the ruptured vessel was "glued" and the hemorrhage was stopped.

"The patient is recovering well after we identified the cause of the haemorrhage and after the perfect intervention of fellow invasive cardiologists. With the help of the direct biliary tree view device - choledochoscope that we have, we were able to pinpoint the source of bleeding. The complication is rare and the correct diagnosis proved to be decisive for the favourable outcome" - said Dr. Petko Karagyozov, Head of the Interventional Gastroenterology Sector at the Second Internal Clinic of Tokuda Hospital.

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Гастроентеролози и кардиолози от Токуда спасиха 26 годишен мъж
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