Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is a broad surgical specialty that, unlike other surgical specialties, is not limited to a single organ system. As a result, it is a technically demanding yet naturally creative field that is constantly changing and reinventing itself.

Plastic surgeons treat pathologies that range from congenital abnormalities to cancer, trauma, and degenerative or autoimmune conditions. In addition, teamwork is inherent for plastic surgeons, as they must constantly work together with other specialties such as general surgery, gynecology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, oral surgery, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, and urology to reconstruct any abnormalities or defects in the body.

See "scope of practice" in plastic surgery.

пластична хирургия

Aesthetic Surgery

Естетична хирургия

Cosmetic surgery is performed to alter the normal structures of the body to improve the appearance and self-esteem of the patient. Cosmetic or "aesthetic surgery" includes a variety of procedures to rejuvenate facial structures (e.g., facelift for age-related changes, rhinoplasty if a change in the nose area is desired, blepharoplasty for excess skin on the eyelids) as well as other parts of the body, including but not limited to the breasts (e.g., breast augmentation) and abdomen (e.g., abdominoplasty after pregnancy).

Cosmetic plastic surgery also involves the use of various injectable materials, such as fillers and neurotoxins, to address asymmetries and age-related changes.

Types of aesthetic surgery

Head, face and eyes



Лифтинг на лицето


Челен лифт

Повдигане на вежди



Повдигане на клепачите



Корекция на ушите



Пластика на нос - хирургия на носа


Лицеви импланти

Преоформяне на брадичката, бузите или челюстта


Увеличаване на устните

По-сочни устни


Цепнати устни и небце

Хирургично лечение на цепнати устни и небце



черепно-лицева аномалия



Увеличаване на гърдите

причини и психологическа подготовка


Видове гръдни импланти

уголемяване на гърдите


Намаляване на гърдите



Повдигане на гърди



Онко-хирургия на гърди

онко хирургия след онкологична операция



Намаляване на гърдите при мъже


Реконструкция на гърдата

подходяща за жени след хирургично лечение на рак




Коремна пластика




Интимна хирургия



Интимна хирургия



Химически пилинг

chemical peeling


Дермабразио / дермапланинг

Dermabrasion / dermaplaning


Инжекционни филъри с колаген / мазнини

Collagen / fat injectable fillers


Ботокс филъри

Botox / filler injections (restylane, radiesse)


Гликолов пилинг

Химически пилинг


Лазерен пилинг

Laser peels


Премахване на вени

премахване на разширени вени


Ревизия (премахване) на белези

Scar revision

Hair grafting

Трансплантация на коса

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique used by plastic surgeons to relocate hair follicles from one part of the body, the donor part, to an under-haired recipient part. This minimally invasive procedure can be used in areas of balding or to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic or chest hair. It can also be used to fill in areas scarred from previous injuries or surgeries.

Currently, hair transplantation is a very popular procedure, actively developing since 1900, undergoing its evolution and nowadays performed with high-tech professional equipment created specifically for this purpose.

Plastic surgery of hands
and peripheral nerves

Reconstruction of upper limbs

Plastic surgeons care for both pediatric and adult patients with upper extremity deformities related to traumatic, oncologic and congenital etiologies. Traumatic cases may require not only bony fixation, but possibly replantation of all or part of the arm. In addition, nerve and tendon transfers are important techniques to restore sensation and function to the extremities.

Surgery of the nerves

Plastic surgeons perform nerve surgeries to treat a variety of conditions. Various applications of nerve surgery include brachial plexus surgery, facial reanimation, recovery from traumatic injury, targeted muscle reinnervation, and regenerative interface of peripheral nerves. These various methods aim to improve the quality of life in patients with congenital, acquired or traumatic nerve pathologies.

Plastic surgery
in oncological diseases

Пластична хирургия при онкология

Plastic surgery in oncology
on the head and neck

Melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcomas are common targets of plastic surgery for head and neck cancers. As one of the oldest subspecialties in plastic surgery, plastic surgery training in head and neck oncology trains in the use of innovative techniques to reconstruct tumor defects by restoring form (i.e., aesthetics) and function (i.e., swallowing, breathing, biting) after oncologic surgeons intervene and remove the tumor mass.

Plastic surgery for melanoma/skin malignancies

Melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and osteosarcomas are common targets of plastic surgery for head and neck cancers. As one of the oldest subspecialties in plastic surgery, plastic surgery training in head and neck oncology trains in the use of innovative techniques to reconstruct tumor defects by restoring form (i.e., aesthetics) and function (i.e., swallowing, breathing, biting) after oncologic surgeons intervene and remove the tumor mass.

Пластична хирургия на меланом

Plastic Surgery in Pediatrics
and Craniofacial Medicine

Plastic surgery in
cleft lip and palate

It is estimated that one in every seven hundred children is born with a cleft lip or palate.

If neglected, this condition can lead to feeding difficulties, ear infections, speech delays, breathing problems and a range of psychosocial problems. Plastic surgeons are an important component of the multidisciplinary care of these patients. Plastic surgery procedures include cleft lip and palate repair, and not infrequently primary and revision rhinoplasty.

Пластична хирургия при цепнатина на устната и небцето​

Plastic surgery in
Craniofacial surgery
(Craniofacial Surgery)

Craniofacial plastic surgeons care for both pediatric and adult patients with craniofacial deformities associated with a variety of antecedent etiologies, including traumatic, oncologic, and congenital. Techniques include ear and nose reconstruction with autologous and alloplastic materials, fracture fixation for maxillofacial fractures, skeletal reconstruction, and skull vault remodeling.

Facial injuries

Patients with facial trauma may have other co-existing serious injuries, and plastic surgeons are involved in their overall treatment and care. This includes treatment and repair of associated soft tissue injuries and wounds, fracture stabilization, dental care, and even microvascular replantation of facial parts in cases of severe crippling injuries.

Лицеви травми
Челюстна хирургия

Jaw surgery
(Orthognathic surgery)

Orthognathic surgery, also known as jaw surgery, corrects dentofacial abnormalities of the upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible). Correcting these irregularities realigns the jaws and teeth to improve not only the patient's bite, but also their breathing and facial appearance. Surgeons who perform orthognathic surgery work closely with orthodontists and oral surgeons.

Plastic surgery of
temporomandibular joint

Patients with end-stage temporomandibular joint pathology who have limited jaw function often require reconstruction of the joint to relieve pain and improve function. Various methods used for reconstruction include costochondral grafts, alloplastic prostheses, and vascularized free bone grafts.

Пластична хирургия на темпоромандибуларната става

plastic surgery

Реконструктивна пластична хирургия

Breast reconstruction

Реконструкция на гърдата

Plastic surgery plays an important role in the multidisciplinary care of breast cancer patients. Reconstruction options after breast cancer surgery include:

  • oncoplastic surgery after lumpectomy
  • or reconstruction with implants
  • or autologous reconstruction after mastectomy.

One of the most common forms of breast reconstruction is two-stage implant-based reconstruction, in which a tissue expander is first placed to expand the skin after mastectomy. Once the tissue expander has expanded sufficiently, a permanent implant is placed.

However, autologous reconstruction is considered the gold standard in terms of recreating the natural breast shape and is most often achieved by transferring skin from the abdomen or, less commonly, from the buttocks or thighs.

Reconstruction after burns

Plastic surgery is an integral part of care for both children and adult patients suffering from burns. Reconstructive techniques include skin grafting, the use of various biologic matrices, allografts, flaps, and free tissue transfer.

Реконструкция след изгаряния
Реконструкция на гръдната / коремната стена

Reconstruction of the chest/abdominal wall

Complex reconstructive surgeries of the chest and abdomen are a common aspect of plastic surgery practice.

When it comes to the chest, plastic surgeons often intervene to rebuild the chest wall after tumor resection. This may involve the use of mesh or rigid fixation to reconstruct the scaffold depending on the size of the defect. In abdominal wall reconstruction, plastic surgeons use their knowledge of abdominal wall anatomy to address complex and recurrent defects.


Microsurgery is a field of plastic surgery that involves the use of microscopic magnification to anastomose small blood vessels (arteries and veins), nerves, and lymphatics. Such techniques can be used in cases of free tissue transfer in cancer (e.g. for breast reconstruction) or reconstruction in trauma, or to treat lymphedema after cancer resection.

Реконструкция на долни крайници

Reconstruction of lower limbs

Complex reconstructive surgeries of the chest and abdomen are a common aspect of plastic surgery practice.

When it comes to the chest, plastic surgeons often intervene to rebuild the chest wall after tumor resection. This may involve the use of mesh or rigid fixation to reconstruct the scaffold depending on the size of the defect. In abdominal wall reconstruction, plastic surgeons use their knowledge of abdominal wall anatomy to address complex and recurrent defects.

Reconstruction after Mohs and dermatological surgery

Plastic surgeons often work with fellow dermatologists to reconstruct defects from Mohs surgery for skin cancer, especially in cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face or hands.

дерматологична хирургия

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пластична хирургия
Естетична хирургия
Трансплантация на коса
Пластична хирургия при онкология
Пластична хирургия на меланом
Пластична хирургия при цепнатина на устната и небцето​
Лицеви травми
Челюстна хирургия
Пластична хирургия на темпоромандибуларната става
Реконструктивна пластична хирургия
Реконструкция на гърдата
Реконструкция след изгаряния
Реконструкция на гръдната / коремната стена
Реконструкция на долни крайници
дерматологична хирургия
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