A look at
medical areas

Медицина на съня

Sleep Medicine

Sleep medicine is a medical subspecialty that focuses on diagnosing and treating sleep disorders.

Белодробни болести

Pulmonary diseases

Lung diseases form a large percentage of all other types of diseases. Worldwide, these are among the most common medical conditions.


Cardiac Surgery

Cardiosurgery is an independent branch of medicine. We can define cardiac surgery as a subspecialty of surgery that is responsible for diseases of the heart.

Ревматология - превю


Conditions treated under rheumatology include clinical problems in joints, soft tissues, connective tissues, vasculitis, etc.

Детска урология - превю

Paediatric urology

Pediatric urology specialists often have to diagnose and treat conditions whose symptoms children cannot explain.

Трансплантация на бъбреци - превю

Kidney transplantation

Kidney transplantation is the last stage of treatment for people whose kidney function is completely lacking. These are patients who

Направление Неврохирургия - превю


Neurosurgery is one of the most advanced disciplines in the world of science and medicine and involves the use of some of the most advanced

Дентална медицина - превю

Dental Medicine

Dentistry deals with a number of procedures that affect not only the cosmetic side of things, but also more serious issues.

Регенеративна медицина - превю

Regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine involves the generation and use of therapeutic stem cells, tissue engineering and manufacturing

Физиотерапия - превю

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Physiotherapy - this is a complex of means and methodologies aimed at the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

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