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Прогерия или синдром на Хътчинсън-Гилфорд - 1 от 10-тте най-редки заболявания

Progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome - 1 of the 10 rarest diseases

Progeria is one of the rarest genetic diseases. There are about 100 registered cases of the disease worldwide. It is characterized by extremely rapid aging of the body.

Миастения гравис - какво е и какво иска да ни каже това заболяване?

Myasthenia gravis - what is it and what does this disease want to tell us?

Myasthenia gravis is caused by an error in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. Its name means "serious muscle weakness."

Метаболитен синдром

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome - a set of disease states - obesity, elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol.

ОКР или Обсесивно – Компулсивно Разстройство

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Let's unravel what this diagnosis means so we can explain - what is OCD? Where does it come from, how is it triggered?

Ингвинална херния

Inguinal hernia

Hernia is the condition in which abdominal organs or part of them pass into the subcutaneous tissue through an opening in the abdominal wall or through cavities.

Ваксините “ЗА” И “ПРОТИВ” - превю

Vaccines "FOR" and "AGAINST"

Какво представляват ваксините? Безопасни ли са ваксините? Защо трябва да се ваксинираме? Може ли ваксината да разболее детето ми?

Болест на Алцхаймер - Знаем ли достатъчно за тази форма на деменция? - превю

Alzheimer's disease - Do we know enough about this form of dementia?

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a multifactorial neurodegenerative disease with a progressive course of development and is one of the forms of dementia.

Нарколепсия - Знаем ли достатъчно за това какво се крие зад непрестанната дневна сънливост? - превю

Narcolepsy - Do we know enough about what lies behind the incessant daytime sleepiness?

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.



The second main group we will focus on is that of Secondary Headaches. These are a secondary symptom of injury or other illness.



The primary headache is not caused by another condition - it is a condition in itself. The main examples to this type are Migraine and Tension Headache.

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