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Биорезонанс - холистичен физически метод за диагностика - превю

Bioresonance - a holistic physical method of diagnosis

Bioresonance - a holistic physical method of diagnosis. Computer bioresonance diagnostics is non-invasive and gentle, without contraindications.

Автоимунни заболявания (Част 2) - Най-често срещаните автоимунни заболявания - превю

Autoimmune diseases (Part 2) - The most common autoimmune diseases

This time we will focus on which are the most common autoimmune diseases and what characterizes each of them.

Ксенонова терапия (Xenon Gas Therapy) - превю

Xenon Gas Therapy

Xenon therapy - inhalation method of ingesting medical gas. Inhalation is done using a special device that mixes xenon with oxygen.

Автоимунни заболявания (Част 1) - Симптоми и рискови фактори - превю

Autoimmune Diseases (Part 1) - Symptoms and Risk Factors

Autoimmune diseases - a group of diseases characterized by hyperactivity of the immune system, destroying its own organism.

Волф-Хиршхорн - cиндромът известен също като 4p-синдром - превю

Wolff-Hirschhorn syndrome also known as 4p-syndrome

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (Wolf-Hirschhorn) is a genetic disorder caused by a partial deletion of the short arm of the 4th chromosome.

Възстановителни свойства на стволовите клетки при белодробни нарушения - превю

Restorative properties of stem cells in pulmonary disorders

Restorative properties of stem cells in pulmonary disorders. We know that stem cells have been used to treat a number of complex diagnoses and with great success.

Витилиго - сериозно автоимунно заболяване - превю

Vitiligo - a serious autoimmune disease

Витилиго е сериозно автоимунно заболяване и едно от най-разпространените. Статистиката показва, че това заболяване засяга средно 1 на всеки 100 души, независимо от пола и възрастта.

Диагностика и лечение на рак на простатата - превю

Diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer

A modern and effective method for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate tumor is the use of radionuclide therapy with the radioisotope Lutenium-177.

Витректомия - превю

Vitrectomy. What is it and what does it treat?

The object of vitreoretinal surgery is the posterior ocular segment, which includes the vitreous, retina, retinal pigment epithelium and sclera.

Криоконсервация. Как криоконсервацията дава шанс на една клетка да стане цял организъм? - превю

Cryopreservation. How does cryopreservation give a cell a chance to become a whole organism?

Cryopreservation is a way of preserving and storing tissues and cells for a long time by freezing.

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