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Родиха се още две много чакани бебета – близначките Виктория и Александра - превю

Two more much awaited babies were born - twins Victoria and Alexandra

Two more much awaited babies were born to bring happiness to their parents - twins Victoria and Alexandra.

Гноен (супуративен) хидраденит - превю

Purulent (suppurative) hydradenitis

Purulent hydradenitis is a condition that forms small, painful lumps under the skin in areas such as the armpits, groin, glutes and chest.

Роди се още едно дълго очаквано бебе – бебе Стилиян - фейсбук

Another long-awaited baby was born - baby Stylian

The family we have created with our patients has grown again. Another long-awaited baby was born - baby Stylian.

Благотворителна акция на Караджъ турс и ЗИЦ”Медикъл Караджъ” 2

Charity action of Karadji tours and ZIC "Medical Karadji"

On the eve of the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays, Karadji Tours, together with the Health Information Center "Medical Karadji", Exotic Holidays and OM Medical made a donation to 160 needy people, received a hot lunch, 160 pieces of warm winter hats, protective masks and sanitary supplies of basic necessities.

На Коледа стават чудеса! - превю

Miracles happen at Christmas!

Thanks to ZIC Medical Karaj and free consultations with leading specialists from abroad, our patient was able to see the world again!

Безплатни консултации със специалиста по затлъстяване и метаболитни нарушения проф. д-р Хюсеин Синан - превю

Free consultations with obesity and metabolic disorders specialist Prof. Dr. Hussein Sinan

This is how the two days of free consultations of our visiting specialist in obesity and metabolic disorders Prof. Dr. Sinan went.

Още един доволен пациент след 9-часова тежка и сложна операция - превю

Another satisfied patient after a 9-hour difficult and complicated surgery

After a visit to Istanbul Memorial Bahceliyevler Hospital and a consultation with Prof. Dr. Ediz Altanlu, the patient was diagnosed with

Поредния успешен случай - превю

Another successful case

We were contacted by a patient who was told, after diagnosis in Bulgaria, that she had a 12 cm tumour in her colon.

Роди се дългоочаквания Александър - превю

The long-awaited Alexander is born

After many years of struggle, losses and a very difficult pregnancy, she finally cried and made us very happy.

Безплатни консултации с ортопеда д-р Дженгиз Чабукоглу и офталмолога доц. д-р Хасан Арифоглу

Free consultations with orthopedist Dr. Cengiz Çabukoğlu and ophthalmologist Assoc. Dr. Hasan Arifoğlu

Here is how the free consultations of our visiting specialists went: the orthopedist Dr. Çabukoğlu and the ophthalmologist Assoc. Dr. Arifoğlu.

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