The leading diagnosis is polymicrogyria, cerebral palsy - quadriparesis, epilepsy. The diagnoses were made when Bobcho was 8 months old by a neurologist in Bulgaria. There is no place and hospital in Sofia that we have not visited - Chavdarov Hospital, Children's Pediatrics, St. Naum Hospital, Ivan Rilski Hospital. Treating doctor for epilepsy - Dr. Litvinenko, for cerebral palsy - Dr. Radoslavova.
A vagal stimulator was placed in Ivan Rilski Hospital by Dr. Minkin and Assoc. Prof. Dimova. Exhausted all possibilities at home. Great help and guidance was given by Zvezdelina Kara and the team of Medical Karadji, thanks to whom we received offers for treatment abroad, preparation of documents and everything related to comfort and needs for the stay in Turkey.
The conditions in Turkey, the attitude, the equipment, etc. are light years away from here! I recommend anyone who has the opportunity to try treatment there.
There are no impossible things! The possibilities are as big as your dreams and good results will happen because you keep trying, believing and fighting!
Good luck and stay healthy and strong!
Bozhidar's parents