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Baby №1000

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who came into the white world
with our help until today.*

*The number of newborns is the result of the hard and satisfactory work of
the team of ZIC Medical Karaj and our partner offices abroad.


фюжън биопсия

Проф. д-р Шатцл за фюжън биопсия – златният стандарт в диагностиката на рак на простатата

Унив. проф. д-р Георг Шатцл говори за златния стандарт в диагностиката на рак на простатата - фюжън биопсия.

21 March, 2025

Роди се Кристофър

С радост и вълнение поздравяваме семейството на малкия Кристофър по повод неговото раждане! Този момент е истинско чудо!

20 March, 2025

Роди се Ивайла

С огромна радост и щастие поздравяваме семейството на малката Ивайла за нейното раждане! Този момент е истинско чудо и нов начало за всички.

18 March, 2025




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Направление Неврохирургия - превю


Neurosurgery is one of the most advanced disciplines in the world of science and medicine and involves the use of some of the most advanced
Ортопедия и травматология 2

Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, which is necessitated by hereditary factors, trauma, degenerative changes, and
Дентална медицина - превю

Dental Medicine

Dentistry deals with a number of procedures that affect not only the cosmetic side of things, but also more serious issues.
Офталмология 2


OPHTHALMOLOGY - the study of medical conditions related to the eyes and vision. Ophthalmologists - doctors specializing in
Онкология 2


Oncology, it is a branch of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and research of all types of cancer.
Инвитро 2


One of the most important factors for the success of the in vitro procedure is the personal approach to the couple. We at "Medical Carnage"
Пластична хирургия 2

Plastic surgery

In today's world, more and more people are resorting to the intervention of plastic surgery to achieve the desired perfection, to erase or remove their external flaws that oppress them and hinder their self-esteem.
Трансплантация на бъбреци - превю

Kidney transplantation

Kidney transplantation is the last stage of treatment for people whose kidney function is completely lacking. These are patients who


Група болници Мемориал

Memorial Hospitals Group

Memorial Healthcare Group , with excellent staff and a customer-centric concept of service delivery in the light of ethical principles of international quality standards, with creating a difference in the medical sector with leading healthcare practices was established with the mission to become a global brand for quality and innovation worldwide. Memorial is the first in Turkey and 21st among hospitals in the world to receive the JCI (Joint Commission International ) Quality Accreditation Certificate.
Група болници Acıbadem

Acıbadem Hospitals Group

Acıbadem started its journey in providing healthcare services as a small district hospital in one of the neighborhoods of Istanbul, Turkey.
Университетска болница Коч - превю

University Hospital Koch

Koç University Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in our southern neighbour. It was established in 2014 as a hospital for medical research and training of young professionals.
American hospital - превю

American Hospital

Founded in 1920 under the leadership of American Admiral L. Bristol, American Hospital was the first private non-profit hospital in Turkey.
Група болници Медикъл Парк превю

Medical Park Hospitals Group

Medical Park Hospitals Group, operating in the field of healthcare services in Turkey since 1993 to the present day, has 25 hospitals in 17 cities. Today it is among the leaders in this sector with its 166 operating rooms, a capacity of 3,506 hospital beds and 13,507 employees in a total indoor area of over 428,500 square meters.
Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale Hospital

Istanbul's Florence Nightingale Hospital opened in 2013 as Turkey's first green hospital. The 50,000 sqm building has 18 floors, with a helipad on the roof and a helicopter designed for transferring patients with the air ambulances.
Wiener Privatklinik

Wiener Privatklinik

Introducing: the Wiener Privatklinik - Austria's largest private hospital providing its patients with first-class medical care.
Университетска болница Quironsalud

Quironsalud University Hospital

Quironsalud University Hospital in Madrid, Spain is a multidisciplinary medical center that is part of the Quironsalud Hospital Group.


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Лого Медикъл Караджъ
доц. д-р Тунч Фъшгън pro
доц. д-р Каан Гьокче про
Лечение на алкохолна зависимост банер
Гастроентерологичен чек-ъп банер
Детски неврологичен пакет
Гастроскопия и консултация с гастроентеролог в Турция банер
Склеротерапия банер
Дентални импланти Bego - Германия
фюжън биопсия
Направление Неврохирургия - превю
Ортопедия и травматология 2
Дентална медицина - превю
Офталмология 2
Онкология 2
Инвитро 2
Пластична хирургия 2
Трансплантация на бъбреци - превю
Група болници Мемориал
Група болници Acıbadem
Университетска болница Коч - превю
American hospital - превю
Група болници Медикъл Парк превю
Florence Nightingale
Wiener Privatklinik
Университетска болница Quironsalud
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